9 Tips for Overcoming a Meth Addiction
Meth addiction is one of the hardest addictions to kick. However, people do it every day, and you can learn a lot from their habits and strategies for recovery. If you’re ready to live a clean, sober life, here are just nine tips and tricks for overcoming your meth addiction.

1. Throw Out Your Stash
This is easier said than done,of course, but it’s one of the first steps that you’ll need to take to beat your addiction. Not only will it get the meth out of your immediate reach, but it will also be an important and symbolic gesture for your recovery. The drugs don’t control you anymore. You don’t need them in your home. You can live without them.
2. Consider Rehab
Some people can kick the habit without rehab. Others will need all of the help that they can get. If you’re in the latter category, there’s …