How to Double Your Brain Power – Tips and Advice

If you are looking to double your brain power then you need to know that a combination of mental exercise, a healthy diet and a general healthy lifestyle are extremely important in achieving this goal.

First of all, let’s start with how the brain is divided between the left and right cortex. Studies show that people predominantly using the right side of their brain are more creative, imaginative and have general artistic inclinations.

Those predominantly using the left side of their brain are better at logic, math, calculations and are generally good at linearity, analysis and patterns.

Taking all this into account, a way for you to double your brain power is simply figuring out which part you use more and training the other one. If you are a right brain person you should train the left side more by solving quizzes, puzzles and engaging and general math …

Lose Belly Fat: Dieting to Lose Fat From Your Belly

It gets very frustrating when you try something for a particular purpose and you never get the end result you’re looking for. That’s what many people experience when they choose the wrong diet to lose weight. With all the information out there in this day and age, people choose whatever they can find without actually knowing how it will help them. Though it is the age of information people have stopped using their brains to fully understand what products they are using or following. When it comes to building a diet plan to lose fat from your waist, the key is to keep things smart and healthy.

Keeping up with your bodies basic needs is the first factor you need to consider when planning out your meals for the day. Start with basics such as fruits, vegetable, protein, and vitamins. Whatever your diet plan may be it is imminent that …

Why is the Colon Important to Health?

In an anatomical drawing you can see that our colon is the end of our digestive tract. In effect is like a corrugated pipe wrapped in a rectangular shape in our lower abdomen. It’s about 5 feet long and 2 and half inches around. The colon is comprised of six parts including: the cecum, the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid and the rectum

The colon has two main jobs. First it must receive the positive and life promoting B-vitamin complexes that are produced by healthy bacteria on its walls. In order to do this the walls of the colon must be free from debris. Second, the colon prepares the liquefied remains of our food called “chyme” for elimination. After the colon absorbs the excess water from the chyme it then pushes it out of the body, along with any dead bacteria, through the rectum.

Learn How To Avoid Aging Process On Your Skin

Everyone wants to go on looking youthful even as the years go by, but preventing the wrinkles and dry skin as you age is difficult. If you start taking good care of your skin when you are young, your chances of maintaining a youthful looking skin as the years go by are better. The information in this article will help you in your attempt to have healthy skin for many years.

Wrinkles are the first sign that skin is maturing, and even though we fight to prevent them, they still show up. Giving your skin the proper care early on will slow the process down some. The loss of collagen in the skin is usually the reason wrinkles appear, so eating healthy and using some good supplements can slow the development of wrinkles.

Loose skin is the most common reason wrinkles become noticeable, and the loss of collagen …

Achieving your desired weight involves adopting new habits that will help you meet your goal. We often do things repeatedly, trying our best to create a new habit, only to see our efforts fall by the wayside. That’s because picking up a new habit takes more than mere repetition.

You must first decide which habit you wish to start. Is it a new plan to exercise every day? Perhaps it’s to walk a minimum of one mile several times a week. It’s important to start yourself on the path to fitness and health with reasonable goals. You wouldn’t expect to exercise for a week and then run a marathon, would you? Remember that these goals are lifestyle choices that you want to incorporate long term, not in one-shot attempts. You must build your endurance over time. Start small, and once the habit becomes part of your daily life, …