Vaccine May Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
Vaccine May Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

It seems that healthcare experts may have created a solution for the problem, however, thanks to a new series of studies which have uncovered a potential vaccine to combat the condition.

Specialists at the University of Michigan believe they have created the first vaccine to prevent urinary tract infections, as long as the immunity achieved in mice can be reproduced in humans.

In order to do so, a team led by Dr Harry Mobley used a systematic approach combining bioinformatics, genomics and proteomics to look for key parts of E coli that could be used in a vaccine to elicit an effective immune response.

The scientists at the facility then screened 5,379 possible bacterial proteins and identified three strong candidates to use in a vaccine to prime the body to fight E coli, which is the cause of most uncomplicated urinary tract infections.

Dr Mobley told medical health insurance customers …