Six Steps To Mealtime Sanity
Drug Abuse impacts all areas of an addict’s life. Relationships are shattered when alcohol and drugs come before the people in someone’s life. As relationships end addiction replaces the void left in the addict’s life. Household, mates, associates at work all become victims of the addict’s abuse. The addict falls deeper and deeper into the abyss of their dependancy. What ever ties the addict needed to society (church, group, employment) are lost to the rising strength of the addict’s addiction. We will see from this progression that the particular person (addict) is dropping parts of the self and is changed by the growing habit.
I really feel certain Ms. Monaco would defend herself by saying she supplied me more time after I made panicked responses to Metlife, but it was too late as a result of my panic had already been created. Hmm, while that may be a smart philosophy …