Online Health Care Tools
The Reasonably priced Care Act, sometimes called Obamacare or the ACA, requires most Americans to have medical insurance coverage. Those without protection should pay a penalty after they file their taxes. Based on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA health advantages count as medical protection under the ACA.
Profit Help: After you file, TurboTax robotically reveals you a full list of government advantages chances are you’ll qualify for, like Meals Stamps or decreased phone & utilities. Plus, we provide help to apply, saving you time and making it simpler than ever to get more cash! Estimate primarily based on calculation of Profit Assist users from tax yr 2013 and revealed stories of average benefit and financial savings quantities from federal and state programs. Profit Assist users who received one or more federal or state benefits obtained on common $576 (primarily based on survey March-June 2015). Precise quantities and qualifications …